Content Guidelines

What content is considered inappropriate?

You may not make use of excessive violence, profanity, explicit content, etc in any of your projects. Please refrain from using any material which has a restrictive license or falls under copyright. We might have to remove your project if we receive a request from the copyright holders. When in doubt, use liberally licensed works.

How can I report inappropriate content?

You can click the “Report” button next to a shared project to report it. Please provide a brief description of what you found offensive in the project. We will review the content and remove it if deemed necessary. Repeat offenders will be banned.

Can I use external media in my projects?

You can use external media in your projects by uploading it to your Dropbox account. Please keep external content appropriate. Inappropriate content will be taken down and action taken against repeat offenders.Please use only freely available content if you are not using your own creations. Content licensed under the various Creative Commons licenses is well suited for this. Please add a link to the content creators page in your project description if the license requires it.\

Can I use the free media provided as part of the software for my other projects?

All the images that we have provided have been licensed under the Creative Commons By Attribution license. This means that you are free to use them and alter them however you wish to as long as you attribute us as the original creators.All the audio that we have provided has been gathered from public domain audio repositories. You can use them however you want. You can find more public domain audio at websites like – http://www.pdsounds.org/.

Someone is using my copyrighted materials without permission. How do I get it removed?

First we would request you to make sure that the usage in question does not constitute fair use. Once you have checked that and come to the conclusion that the use infringes your copyright, please use this form to report the content. Please provide full information regarding the infringement. We will take down the content if we confirm that it infringes your copyright.

Privacy Policy

What information is required during registration?

We will only ask for the following information during the registration process -

• Username – This is needed for you to log in to the website

• Birth Date – We will ask for this information if you ever need to reset your password

• Country – We will use this information for anonymous usage statistics

• Email Address – We will use the email ID for verification in order to limit spam accounts, as well as for helping recover lost accounts. We will not send you any kind of unsolicited spam. Users below 13 years of age must be registered via their guardian's email ID. Only Username and Country will be visible on the forums. Email ID and Birth Date will be hidden from other users.

What information will be collected during use?

We may collect anonymous usage statistics such as pages visited, time spent on a page, etc in order to improve the quality of service.

Will my information be sold or rented to any third parties?

We will not sell or rent user information to any third parties.

Are there any general guidelines to protect my information?

Do not reveal any private information such as name, contact details, address, etc on the forums. Do not provide the same in your project details section either.

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